
Admission Arrangements for Oak Hill Academy West London

Oak Hill Academy West London is committed to an open, fair and transparent admissions arrangement. The Academy will comply with all relevant provisions of the statutory codes (the School Admission Code and the School Admissions Appeals Code) as they apply at any given time to a maintained school and with the law on admissions as it applies to maintained schools. Reference in the codes to admission authorities shall be deemed to be references to the Trust Board of the Academy. In particular, the Academy will take part in the Admissions Forum set up by the LA and have regard to its advice; and will participate in the co-ordinated admission arrangements operated by the LA; including any local Fair Access Protocols that are in place.

Admission arrangements

The Academy has agreed to admit 120 pupils to Years 3, 4, 5 and Year 6 from 2023/24. The Academy may admit over this number if the 121st child is a twin or from a multiple birth, is a looked after child (LAC) or of armed services personnel. These arrangements and the admission policy(below) are reviewed annually.

How to apply for a Year 3 place for my child at Oak Hill Academy?

Applying to the Academy should be done via the Local Authority in which the child lives. The online application process for Hounslow can be found at

If your child is born between 01 September 2016 and 31 August 2017 you will need to apply for a Year 3 school place at Oak Hill Academy West London for September 2024.

The application process opens on 01 September 2023 and closes on 15 January 2024.

All applications for Year 3 must be completed via the eadmissions portal.

Applying for an in-year admission at Oak Hill Academy

The admissions process for Years 3-6 will be managed by Hounslow Local Authority on behalf of the Governing Body/Academy. All in year applications for a school place must be made to the Local Authority on their online in-year application form. The Local Authority will allocate places in accordance with the school’s published admission criteria. Where there are more applications than places available, each application will be ranked in accordance with the published oversubscription criteria and placed on the waiting list to be maintained by the Local Authority. When a space arises in-year the Local Authority will contact the applicant at the top of the waiting list and allocate the school place. The Local Authority will inform the school of the allocation who will also contact the

Making an appeal

If your child has not be allocated a place at Oak Hill Academy, you can make an appeal by completing the appeals form below and returning it to

Your appeal form will then be submitted to an Independent Admissions Appeal Committee for consideration. Details of the appeals timetable for Hounslow Primary schools is listed below.

Appeals Timetable 2024 – 2025

Appeal Form

Admission Policies

Admission policies can be found under the Statutory Information section.

Where next

Our Vision

At Oak Hill Academy, we want our children to fulfil their aspirations and achieve their full potential in both their learning and for their future.…

Our vision